1. I love teaching.� 2. I am very excited to have FINALLY met Jeff.� 3. Katie, Gregsby and Baby Emeline are three of my very favorite people ever.� 4. I love affirmation.� Saturday morning, at around 9:00 am, I drug myself downtown to meet with photographer Jeff Seely from Nashville. I feel bad for whining about having to leave my home at 7:30, when he had to leave at some ridiculous time of morning :) We spent a leisurely couple of hours discussing lifestyle philosophies and techniques over bagels and coffee at Panera, and then we headed over to hang out with Katie and Gregsby for a bit. Of course, Jeff fell in love with this family immediately... and lucky for us, Emeline became completely enamored with him!� We had a blast, and managed to capture a few superfun images:) Here are a few of Jeff's encouraging comments from an email I received today...� hence the "I love affirmation" comment from above :) �"I had an absolute blast on Saturday! So much that you said and didn't say that I walked away with... What I got from you...having never followed another photographer before...was permission. Permission to engage a client on a different level than what a 'professional conversation' would lend itself to. Permission to buzz around the room confidently, knowing that there is a shot in there somewhere. Being somewhat shy at times, it pushed me past that....� I can't thank you enough for the day. It was awesome." Jeff... your images are awesome! I'm so proud to have spent the day with you :) I can't wait to see where you end up in the photographic world!� Katie and Gregsby... I love you guys. Thanks for being the very very best.� �Enjoy the slideshow!� �-amber �Enjoy the galleries... The first is Jeff's and the second is mine. I'm so proud of Jeff's work!� � � � � �
Emeline was completely in love with Jeff. He got LOADS of amazing eye contact images.
Love this shot. Jeff has an awesome eye.
Pretty sad that I didn't take this shot :)
What a pretty pretty princess.
Check out that expression!
I completely adore thumb-sucking babies :)
Little Miss Artist
This picture makes me laugh so hard... this is Emeline telling us that she wants to rub Jeff's face :) So cute!
Pat pats :)
Hehe... I'm trying to get Emeline to share a bite of her yogurt with me. She wasn't interested :)
Voracious appetite.
Mom and baby feet :)
Emeline calls blueberries - "dew babies". Too cute!!
She's just the cutest thing ever.
Emeline LOVES bathtime :)
Love this...
Absolutely perfect! Again, Jeff rocked the eye contact :)
Sooo cute!
Serious concentration...
Me at work...
Snuggling (or "nucklin") in the tent. So cute.
Love this book!
Yep... adorable.
Jeff at work...
My favorite part of these sessions.. listening to Katie and Gregsby sing. Makes my heart happy.
Emeline getting her dance on ;)
Katie is beautiful.
Family time :)
Love this moment. Gregsby is amazing with his family.
Emeline loves this book. So cute to hear her try to say turtle :)
Enthusiastic cheering :)
More of Jeff at work!
This was Emeline's response when I asked if I could have a bite. I'm pretty sure this is a No.
One of my favs. I love the concentration needed to take this bite.
Mastering the spoon... and doing it well.
Jeff :)
Baby feet and amber feet :)
Look how messy!
Just love this one. And I believe yogurt on eyelashes is a first for me!
Love how babies have to run with their arms out...
Wash wash wash
Intense fascination.
One of my favorite faces.
More lashes.
Emeline loves her mirror...
I seriously love this face. Love it.
hehehe... funny self portrait. Emeline wasn't quite into it... but we did it anyway!